How many Migrant Cardiothoracic Surgeons does New Zealand Need?

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    New Zealand is currently facing a shortage of Cardiothoracic surgeons. This has led to calls for the government to allow more migrant surgeons into the country. However, it is unclear how many migrant surgeons New Zealand actually needs.

    Some argue that the country needs as many migrant surgeons as possible in order to meet the demand. Others believe the government should only allow a limited number of migrant surgeons into the country.

    The truth is that there is no easy answer to this question. The number of migrant surgeons New Zealand needs will depend on several factors, including the amount of money the government is willing to invest in training local surgeons and the number of retirements expected in the coming years.

    What is clear is that New Zealand will need to import more Cardiothoracic surgeons shortly. The question is how many and from where? and that future has now become the present. Cardiothoracic surgeon (ANZSCO 253512) occupation is now listed in the Green List of occupations. That means it is pretty clear that NZ needs Cardiothoracic surgeons in great numbers and that too quickly.

    What are the Required Qualifications?

    Occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor's degree or higher qualification, two years of hospital-based training, and at least five years of specialist study and training (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

    Registration or licensing is required.

    What are the Conditions for Granting a Work Visa?

    The conditions have changed, and it would be better if you spoke to a licensed immigration adviser at Provisas to discuss this in detail.

    What are the Career Growth Prospects here for a Cardiothoracic Surgeon?

    Career opportunities for surgeons are excellent, with many finding excellent growth avenues here in NZ. Working conditions for surgeons are good, with most working in private hospitals. Many surgeons also work in public hospitals, and some have private practices.

    To discuss your job prospects, it is best to speak with a registered immigration adviser.

    Which are the Best Cities to Work in for a Migrant Cardiothoracic Surgeon?

    The main cities where you will find work as a Cardiothoracic surgeon are Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. However, there may also be opportunities in other smaller cities and towns. Your best bet would be to speak with a registered immigration adviser who can help you identify the best city for you to work in based on your skills and qualifications.

    Is it Wise to Hire the Services of a Licensed Immigration Adviser like Provisas for Coming to NZ?

    Yes, it is always wise to hire the services of a licensed immigration adviser. This job profile might require deep study and interventions from an immigration specialist to get it right for you and avoid any potential issues down the line. The team at Provisas is experienced and can help you with your specific case.

    Get in touch with Provisas today to discuss your options.

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