The Latest Critical Health Worker Policy Updates by NZ

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    The NZ government has taken phenomenal steps and acted wisely during the COVID-19 pandemic to keep things under control. As expected, the fatalities in the country are minimum due to the pandemic. Along with the employment and immigration departments, the NZ government has worked in tandem to ensure that the pandemic situation does not get aggravated.

    They have also tried to ensure that the economy, the industries, and the job ecosystem shrugs off the negative impact due to the pandemic and restores the almost fairy tale situations that used to persist in this island nation. Border exemptions for specific visa categories, Critical Purpose Visitor Visa introduction, Work and Visitor Visa automatic extensions, employment law reforms, and several other measures have displayed the government's competence and the respective departments in ensuring the safety of the countrymen while fortifying every sector.

    The Revised Critical Health Worker Policy

    Previously, New Zealand's government had declared 31 March 2021 as the first entry date for critical health worker policy, but later it has amended the entry date. The critical health worker policy also required internationally qualified nurses who completed their nursing career and registration from the Nursing Council of New Zealand. Further, they should also be a registered member of the Competence Assessment Programme (CAP) New Zealand.

    With the revised critical health worker policy, the NZ government now does not require an employment start date before or on 31 March 2021. The employment period is now extended to an indefinite timespan for applicants who have the offer of placement via a CAP. To ensure the safety and security of all New Zealand citizens, the country's government has sealed the international borders. No individual apart from the New Zealand citizens is allowed to enter.

    But if you are a critical health worker, you are eligible to enter New Zealand through a Critical Purpose Visitor Visa NZ. Critical health workers are broadly defined as fresh or current healthcare and disability workers who deliver special care and critical health services to NZ people. These healthcare workers are internationally qualified nurses enrolled under Competence Assessments Programme (CAP) New Zealand. The news for the removal of entry for healthcare workers proved beneficial for people residing in New Zealand.

    Welcoming news for overseas healthcare practitioners intending to work in NZ

    The revised critical healthcare worker policy was also welcoming news for all the offshore individuals who intended to work as healthcare workers in New Zealand. Further, it also reduced the complications associated with the relevant job search in NZ. As the NZ government has removed the entry date for critical health workers, there has been an ease in finding jobs, booking flights before the joining date, and reserving managed isolation or quarantine facilities due to the existing COVID-19 situation. The changes mentioned above have been implemented on and after 5 March 2021.

    Book a consultation with our immigration advisors for more updates on critical health worker policy in New Zealand. They will shed considerable light on the latest updates implemented by the INZ, the employment authorities, and the government. If you belong to the category of a critical health worker who wants to fast-forward his career in NZ, you need to reach out to our consultants. They will extend their helping hands and guide you throughout the respective procedures.

    Who Are the Critical Health Workers in NZ?

    According to the health practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, a critical health worker refers to a registered health practitioner. The ongoing demand for critical health workers is massive in New Zealand. Skilled migrants fill crucial positions in the healthcare department and are responsible for a majority of healthcare services that are meted out to the NZ citizens and expats. Statistics from the Medical Council of New Zealand report 40% of the doctors practicing in New Zealand have an overseas education.

    According to a comprehensive list generated by the INZ, there are multiple occupations listed that meet a critical health worker's requirement in New Zealand. This list includes the following-

    • Doctors,
    • Dentists,
    • Pharmacists,
    • Nurses,
    • Psychologists,
    • Paramedical staff and
    • All the members delivering effective healthcare services to individuals in New Zealand

    The healthcare services include the following segments-

    • Old age patient care
    • Disabled care
    • Cognitive patient care and
    • Neonatal care services

    Why is there an influx of medical professionals and healthcare practitioners in NZ?

    Primarily due to the harrowing COVID-19 situation worldwide and the emergence of the mutated viral strains and a second wave, many healthcare practitioners are looking to escape from their countries of origin. Moreover, the strict border restrictions have safeguarded the New Zealanders' overall health and have caused minimal casualties due to the pandemic. The Medical Council of New Zealand has cited these as the primary reasons for the rapid influx of healthcare individuals in NZ.

    Suppose you are a registered healthcare provider residing in any other country and wish to stay and work in New Zealand. In that case, you can contact the corresponding healthcare employment services for further assistance. The assigned Immigration advisor will soon connect with you to discuss the entry requirements and other details of critical health workers in New Zealand. Book a consultation with our NZ immigration experts for detailed information on a comprehensive occupation list in New Zealand. They will be happy to help you. In turn, our immigration advisors will be fulfilling a sacred duty to their countrymen by helping overseas medical practitioners reach the NZ shores.

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