How many points do you need to immigrate to New Zealand?

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    While answering this question we are presuming the fact that this question is asked by a person who wants to gain more insights and information on skilled migrant category Visa. Following is information that would help you assess New Zealand Immigration points based on the set criterion as put forward by the immigration authorities of the country.

    Acceptable Health Standards

    While applying for this visa, you must demonstrate that you meet the minimum health requirements as set by the immigration laws. Acceptable health standards in its core imply that you should not pose a health risk for the public, you should not put an undue burden on the public health system of the country and above of all, you should be medically fit to perform the professional duties for which you are applying visa for. Contact our immigration advisers to know more about what comprises acceptable health standards.

    Character Requirements

    You must meet the minimum character requirement criterion as cited by the immigration authorities of the country. In case you have been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for 5 years or more (this applies even if any of your offenses have later been taken off the record), you might be refused a visa. To know more connect with our immigration advisers now. They are better equipped to deal with these scenarios.

    English Language Requirements

    English is the most commonly used language in New Zealand. Hence to function effectively in the country, you would be required to meet the minimum language guidelines as put in place by the immigration authorities of New Zealand.

    There are many other factors at play when it comes to calculating the minimum points that one would require to obtain for the grant of the visa. It would be in the best interest of the applicant to connect with a licensed immigration adviser for getting the most accurate and up to date information for the same.

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