New Work Visa Application Process Released

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    The New Zealand government and the Immigration Department are introducing a number of changes that will affect the way migration happens to New Zealand. You can say that most of these changes were a direct cause of the COVID-19 pandemic which has created major policy changes and made people ponder, rethink and refurbish the official procedures.

    To be honest, time will tell if these makeovers work wonders.

    As of now, we can just make ourselves familiar with the new procedures and gather as much relevant information about them as is practically possible.

    The New Work Visa Application Process

    The new Work Visa application process will see the employers making the first move. In this novel, employer-led procedure, they will need to do a set of things before hiring a migrant labourer. The new employer-assisted temporary work visa will have the following guidelines.

    • The employers will need to apply for accreditation
    • The employers need to apply for a job-check. It is to ensure that the role they want to fill in their company or their business cannot be done by indigenous inhabitants of New Zealand
    • The employers will need to formally request a migrant worker to apply for a visa

    What Does the New Temporary Work Visa Bring to the Plate?

    The new temporary and employer-assisted Work Visa is quite radical since it replaces the need for six different work visas. They are listed below.

    • Essential Skills Work Visa
    • Essential Skills Work Visa that has been approved in principle
    • Talent Work Visa or the Accredited Employer Work Visa
    • Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa
    • Silver Fern Job Search Visa. It’s status remains officially closed since 7th October 2019
    • Silver Fern Practical Experience Visa

    With a single work visa catering for six others, you can deem these other six redundant. As a result, the hassles on the part of the employers and migrant labourers will be minimized.

    If you want to know more, book a consultation with our immigration experts and get a detailed insight into the proceedings.

    The Latest Procedure That Entails Three Checks

    The latest work visa application involves three essential checks before any employer can hire a migrant worker as part of his workforce. These three checks are indispensable, according to the latest work visa regulations.

    Employer Check

    The employers need accreditation to pass this check successfully. This check will essentially replace three current employer schemes and make them redundant.

    The existing employer schemes include the following.

    • Approval in principle or AIP before an employer decides to recruit or engage a migrant labourer on behalf of an Essential Skills Work Visa
    • The employer needs accreditation as a Talent Accredited Employer
    • The Essential Skills Work Visa also involves the Labour Hire employers’ accreditation

    The employer check as part of the new system requires the employer to pass the accreditation. The employer-assisted work visa in the new system will enable only accredited employers to hire migrant labourers.

    The employers need to pass two main accreditation checks. These are:

    • Standard Accreditation: It is meant for employers who are looking to engage five or fewer migrant labourers as part of their job ecosystem.
    • High-Volume Accreditation: It is meant for those employers who are looking to recruit six or more migrant labourers to meet the needs of their workforce.

    The above regulations are meant for the migrant labourers or employees who are getting hired by employer-assisted work visas. On the other hand, if the employees are getting hired via third-parties like Franchisees or Labour Hire companies, then there are extra accreditation criteria that they need to fulfil.

    The criteria for Standard accreditation for these Labour Franchisees and Labour Hire companies need them to be absent from a non-compliant stand-down list. This list includes all those companies that have broken employment law.

    On the other hand, High-volume accreditation criteria involves commitment from the employers to improve pay and working conditions for their employees. They also need to commit to training and upskilling indigenous New Zealanders continuously.

    Approval will grant you accreditation for 12 months. The renewal of the same will enable you to get accredited for an additional 24 months.

    Job Check

    The job check is essential to verify the employment details. It will ensure that-

    • The job is in accordance to the market rates that are prevalent in New Zealand
    • The terms and conditions of employment are consistent with the country’s employment laws
    • A labour market test is done if it is required to

    The labour market test involves the authenticity of the claim that the job was actually advertised to native New Zealanders but none were available in that region to fill in the position. In this regard, it should be mentioned that jobs paying 200% of median wages and those present on the skills shortage list do not require a labour market test to be conducted.

    Employers pay for a job check. An employer can only be engaged or recruited once they have passed the job check.

    Migrant Worker Check

    It is one of the last essential checks that need to be done before an employer hires a migrant worker and makes him a part of his organizational workforce. Being one of the essential steps in the new system, the check needs a migrant worker to show they meet the country’s identity, health and character requirements. They should also prove that they have the ideal skills to do the job before they are granted a visa.

    The migrant worker check needs the migrant workers or the employers to pay.

    Are you confused with so many checks and makeovers in the new work visa application process? Don’t fret. Allow our experienced immigration advisors to guide your case. Book a consultation and resolve all concerns.

    Summing Up

    The newest work visa notifications and imposed regulations have opened new horizons for the migrant workforce worldwide who wish to be a part of the thriving Kiwi ecosystem. But you should be wary about the fees for application and various other checks as they are gradually announced in official government portals. Our immigration experts will be glad to help you in your endeavors and make it a success!

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