How Much Time New Zealand Immigration Takes?

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    This is a curious question which would perhaps be the most searched phrase by seekers of NZ visa. How Much Time New Zealand Immigration Takes? People are like hell bent on knowing the answer to this one. Well, today our blog post would shed some light on this. Although let us tell you one thing straight forward. Duration for grant of visa is not specified and it would vary from case to case. Lets elaborate more on this.

    Types of Visas

    The amount of time that a specific immigration case would take to resolve, like for example grant of the first time visa. Would depend upon various factors. One of them being the type of visa applied for. If it’s a travel or business temporary visa then if all things are proper maybe it would take just a week’s time to get processed. However if it’s a work-related visa, then its obvious it would take more time than other visas. Same goes for family visas. Some visas like entrepreneurs and investors visa might take even more time to process. The amount of time taken for the visa to process will depend upon the checks to be done and the documents to be verified.

    Your Specific Situation

    This is also one serious determining factor for grant of an NZ visa. Your situation also has a deep impact on the time it would take immigration authorities to actually sort you out. If there are some pending legal issues with you, then it would obviously take longer for immigration authorities to check your viability in the country. Also, the skill sets you have would also determine the amount of time that it would take to get your visa.

    Your country of Origin

    This is also one big factor that would determine the time it would take for grant of visa. Some countries have conditions which are easier for immigration NZ to process. Some have pacts with governments that allow for the easy grant of visa. While others would have to go through a longer channel for grant of visa. Presently depending upon the country of origin, it would take anywhere from a week to a few months for one to get an NZ Visa.

    Opportunity to explore

    For the investor visa to be approved, investor have to have met certain conditions. These conditions include the type of investment option to opt for and the amount of investment fund required. With all of this and many more, the business environment allows the investors and entrepreneurs to explore the wide range of opportunities available for them in New Zealand.

    The element of Character

    New Zealand is a country which takes individual character very seriously. So if you have hidden something on this part from the authorities. Then your chances of getting a visa are slim at best. Not that it can be helped but it will take time for sure. Character issues becomes a real problem if found at a later stage. They surely become a matter of litigation. Even if your character condition change after issuing of visa and your landing in the country, still your visa might get canceled on arrival. That’s where hiring a professional immigration adviser comes in handy.

    Role of a Professional Immigration Adviser

    Whatever your immigration NZ need be. Role of a professional immigration adviser in your ex-pat life cannot be stressed enough. The truth is an immigration adviser is the only person on earth which can really comment on the duration of visa approval, that too after thoroughly going through your documents and conditions. It’s always a good idea to hire his services. He is an agent of the law and authorized by the law of the land to conduct such matters on your behalf. In case of disputes, he is the person who would represent your side of the story at the Immigration office of New Zealand. To know more about such services we would urge you to give us a call and discuss it.

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