Are you Eligible for a Partnership Visa in NZ?

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    New Zealand has set an example to the global citizens on how to tackle the COVID situation and keep on combating the new strains while protecting the interests of its citizens and safeguarding their health and prosperity. ‘Leading from the front’ is something that the NZ government has been doing since last year. Their policies and amendments regarding the work visa applications and extensions, change in the wage structures and attempts to improve the employment conditions of the citizens and the migrant laborers have been highly motivating steps that will inspire other nations to follow suit.

    Here, we discuss the NZ government and the immigration authority’s attempts at explaining the entire Partnership Visa protocol and how they are making enormous progress in that direction.

    Partnership Visa NZ

    You are eligible for a Partnership Visa NZ if your partner is a citizen or a resident of New Zealand. The Immigration NZ defines partnership as a bond between two people of the opposite sex who stay in a genuine and stable relationship, be it legal marriage, a civil union, or a de facto relationship. Before applying for a Partnership Visa NZ, you should check for the eligibility criteria to avoid confusion and visa rejection.

    Book a consultation with our immigration experts and advisors to get detailed information about eligibility criteria for Partnership Visa NZ. They are amicable beings and will walk you through the entire procedure. If you wish to apply for a Partnership Visa based on your partner’s NZ citizenship, that person is known as your supporting partner. You are required to meet the following eligibility criteria for Partnership Visa NZ.

    • Both the partners must be at least 18 years of age while applying for the visa. If they are 16 or 17 years of age, they need consent from their guardians or parents
    • Have known each other before applying for the NZ Partnership Visa
    • Both the partners should not be close relatives

    Partnership requirements for NZ Visa

    Individuals need to show that they live in a stable and authentic relationship before opting for a Partnership visa. Once the requirements are tested and verified, Immigration NZ can grant you a permit based on your partnership. Living together does not mean the below-mentioned things.

    • Living in different homes but spending time together at each other’s homes
    • Sharing houses and apartments while enjoying holidays
    • Flat partners or arrangements

    If you fail to meet the requirements, you are unlikely to get a Partnership Visa NZ due to improper documents and partnership necessities.

    Assessing Partnership for NZ Visa

    Before granting a Partnership Visa, the Immigration officer will thoroughly assess the documents and partnership requirements. Specific partnership requirements for assessment are listed below.

    • Duration of both the partners knowing each other.
    • A course of both the partners staying together as a couple
    • Living arrangements
    • If your family supports you financially
    • How do you share your share financial responsibilities
    • How do you plan to stick together as a life partner
    • Whether you share your property with your partner or not
    • If you have any children together or intend to provide them parental care
    • Whether you share household tasks
    • Whether your friends or family members recognize your relationship

    Proof of Partnership for NZ Visa

    When applying for a Partnership Visa NZ, you need to provide enough evidence to show you and your partner are staying together in a genuine relationship. Your evidence will be considered more real if it is obtained from an official source. For example, a rent agreement showing you and your partner started staying together will be regarded as an official rather than a friend writing about your relationship with the Immigration officer.

    It is not compulsory to provide all the above-listed documents for a Partnership Visa NZ, but multiple official documents automatically increase the chances of a visa. Book a consultation with our immigration experts to enquire about the necessary visa documents. They are highly knowledgeable in this sector and have years of experience under their belts. They will furnish every detail required of you.

    However, a list of essential documents for Partnership Visa NZ is listed below.

    • Marriage certificates and civil union certificates
    • Birth certificate if you have children together with your partner
    • Cards, emails, and letters showing the source of communication between the couple
    • Pictures together
    • Proof that your family recognizes your relationship publicly
    • Proof that you plan to stay together for the rest of your life
    • Evidence that you take care of your children together
    • Proof that you spend time together
    • A tenant rent agreement that proves you stay together
    • Mail addressed together at the same place and time
    • Joint bank accounts
    • Evidence that you share property together
    • Common credit cards and purchase agreements
    • Phone bills, electricity bills, and cooperative utility accounts

    Time spent not living together

    While applying for Partnership Visa NZ, you also need to provide information if you and your partner are staying apart for some reason. You need to include the following information.

    • The reason for the couple staying apart
    • Duration of the couple not staying together
    • How does the couple keep in touch when staying apart


    It is essential to gather necessary information before filing a Partnership Visa NZ. Failing to meet the entry requirements will decrease the chances of the Immigration Officer granting you the visa. Further, both the partners should be of eligible age when applying for a Partnership Visa. Once you provide all the required documents, your documents will be assessed for further process. Make sure you fulfill all the requirements so that the chances of getting the visa increase.

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