Changes to AEWV Accreditation Rules for Business Sales and Mergers

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    Starting 6 November 2024, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) will introduce updates to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) requirements, streamlining processes for businesses involved in sales, mergers, or restructures. This move aims to simplify transitions for both employers and AEWV holders, reducing barriers during organizational changes.

    Key Changes for AEWV Holders During Business Transitions: 


    1. Job Change Application Required for Role Continuity:
      If an AEWV holder’s role and location remain unchanged following a transfer to a new employer due to a business sale or restructure, they will need to apply for a Job Change. The Job Change approval process will proceed as long as the new employer has accreditation, or an application is underway when INZ receives the AEWV holder’s Job Change application.
    2. Job Check Not Required for Same Role and Location:
      AEWV holders staying in the same position and location with the new employer will not need a new Job Check. A Job Check will only be necessary if there is a change in the AEWV holder’s role or work location.
    3. Quota Considerations for Employers:
      AEWV holders transferring to a new employer are included within the employer’s standard quota of five AEWV employees under accreditation. Should an employer anticipate exceeding this limit, they must apply for high-volume accreditation prior to AEWV holders submitting their Job Change applications.

    These adjustments highlight Immigration New Zealand’s commitment to making the AEWV process more efficient, prioritizing timely processing to better support employers and visa holders navigating New Zealand’s immigration landscape.


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