Enhancements to Immigration Online

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    Read on to know more and see how using ProVisas to handle your online application will make it even easier

    Immigration New Zealand will commence phasing in of their new enhanced online application management system, called Immigration Online, on 31 January 2022. Paperless applications will be phased out over time.

    The first category to feel the benefits is visitor-based applications from 31 January 2022 (excluding Critical Purpose and Group Visas), followed by student visas during first half of 2022, Employer Accreditation and associated Job Checks in May 2022, Accredited Employer Work Visas from July 2022 and all other visa types onwards from then.

    The timeline for implementation could be impacted by Covid-19 alert level changes, but there is no doubt the first phase of visitor applications will go ahead. Visitor applications have been chosen firstly because low-volumes are expected in the current climate so familiarity and functionality with the system can be gauged.

    Three systems will be operating until all visas are moved to the new enhanced system, until then applicants will be guided to the correct system to use depending on the visa being applied for.

    Immigration New Zealand have made it clear that these system changes do not signal that borders may reopen, which is a decision for Government in due course.

    They say applying will be faster and easier, because their smart system will deliver a better customer experience through guiding the applicant depending on an individual’s specific situation, greater visibility of the assessment process through email notifications and real-time status updates using a dashboard system and automation of repetitive administrative tasks allowing for resource to be focused more-so on assessing risk and strengthening decision making.

    They say quicker and more efficient processing and decisions will occur because staff from any Immigration New Zealand processing office location can commence work on the application immediately with shared staff involved throughout processing so no gaps in progression, and automated administrative tasks save time.

    The enhancements will take place across all stages of the application process – during preparing and making application, during processing by Immigration New Zealand and post-decision.

    Here is how it will look and be of benefit to the user:

    • Smart forms - guides applicants to provide the right information – tells the user what information is needed specific to their circumstances, dynamic questions (pull down boxes if question answered in a certain way), all fields must meet data entry requirements so error messages will show when not compliant and ensures applications are assessment ready so processing can commence immediately resulting in quicker decisions.
    • New tools - global address finder for validating an applicant’s address, photo quality checker for instant identity assessment and passport checker which automatically validates form and INZ-held data matches passport information. Additionally, in future an eChip Mobile App will enable applicants to scan their passport instead of mailing it to a Visa Application Centre. The availability of this feature will be advised in due course.
    • Health tests and exams - If this is deemed required after an application is submitted, Immigration Online checks the Immigration Health System to identify what new medical information is needed and notifies the applicant accordingly and provides a reference number for booking a medical exam with a an Approved Panel Physician. This function allows for clear indication on what medical information is needed and allows for a Physician to prepare.
    • Important Note: Police Certificate will still need to be provided upfront, at the time of making the application not after. They system will automatically inform an applicant all supporting evidence and information they need to submit upfront, including if a Police Certificate is needed depending on the type of visa applied for.
    • Sponsorship declarations - Applicants are asked for their sponsor’s details when they apply, where their sponsor provides their required declaration through their own Immigration Online account (obtainable with a RealMe identity). This function improves privacy, particularly with the sponsor’s financial information not being made visible to the applicant. Any other information required directly from a sponsor during processing of a related application, will be communicated directly to them.
    • Email notifications - an immediately accessible indicator that further information is required where a visit to their Immigration Online account will specify exactly what is required.
    • Tracking application status - dashboard information can be viewed showing things like any draft submissions saved, submitted applications, summary of applications made, current application status and any action the applicant needs to take.
    • Third party representation - This includes Immigration Advisers and Lawyers, those exempt from licencing and those delegated by an applicant to aid in their application (without providing immigration advice, like family member or friend). The ability to have representation will continue under the new system as per currently allowed for, by Immigration New Zealand being made aware of who the representative(s) are.

    Other Useful Information:

    • Application forms are only available in English although Immigration New Zealand are considering multi-language forms for the future (although answers will still need to be provided in English).
    • Previous applications submitted can still be viewed under the old Immigration Online Account, so no information is being purged or made inaccessible.
    • Paper applications will remain acceptable even after transition of the visa category to the Online system.
    • China - based and other country users where online access is restrictive will not face any issues accessing the new system.
    • Application fees remain the same at this time.
    • Reconsideration of decline and variation of conditions applications - applicants can apply for these online (as opposed to paper-based as currently required under law) provided their original application was made through the new Immigration Online system.

    Benefits of Using Advisers From Professional Visa Solutions to Handle your online Application

    • Of benefit to you is the ability to share online applications between us through using a shared identification number. Great for keeping tabs on an application and working with us in real-time environment to ensure understanding of matters at hand.
    • We can apply on your behalf and share the application information presenting to Immigration New Zealand with you (and any other party you delegate) for transparency and ensure correctness.
    • Any email notifications received by us from Immigration New Zealand during processing can promptly be shared with you and discussions can promptly ensue for clarity and required actions with our great guidance and support.
    • We also have the function to create a network within our business for collaboration on applications, so you can be assured action is promptly being taken by an experienced Adviser from our team familiar with your case.
    • We handle Online applications as part of our core business, so are super familiar with Immigration’s Online systems, ensuring efficiency, correct information so no problems arise and do quickly.
    • Our Advisers are logged into the Immigration world 24/7, so with this new system being in real-time, we will be able to convey Immigration New Zealand communications fast and with our expert advice, even when you may not have direct access to technology at the time.
    • We have the capability and confidence to get the application lodged right first time, saving time, frustrations and hassles.
    • Our team take the worry away for you. We can dissect any matters which come to the fore and come up with solutions giving assurances and peace of mind.

    What Should I do Now?

    The team at Professional Visa Solutions are dedicated to providing you with the most relevant up-to-date information relating to immigration matters for New Zealand.

    We provide solutions, it’s in our name. We take the stress away from you and lead the charge with application matters.

    We are sure you will be satisfied with our management of your application through the new Online system, from beginning to end.

    So why take it all on yourself, where problems can arise and frustrations can occur in navigating the Immigration Online world.

    Book a consultation now! It's as simple as visiting our website.

    To Book a consultation with an experienced Immigration Adviser from Professional Visa Solutions, click here: https://provisas.co.nz/book-a-consultation/

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